See if you can come up with a set of early closed chamber heads 107 cc's. They will boost hp and help with torque as well. My 402 has the 118cc heads and even after they were mildly ported still hoover in my opinion, but they were with the motor originally so I left them. You might try local parts houses to see if they do the cylinder head exchange program, you might get to a set a little cheaper this way, just a thought. I have a pair of closed chamber oval ports but the shipping would kill the deal, and I don't think they are a matched pair sequentially in any case. Sorry for the bad luck, but I feel your pain, I changed cams in my 402 twice looking for the source of mild valve train noise- like a lifter not pumping up on number 1, but 2 cams and lifter sets later- noise still there and nothing has improved or gotten worse, noise goes away above 1250 rpms go figure- this was a fresh motor with all new parts. Life I suppose. It will get better because it can't get worse. Later Harold