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Old 06-19-2005, 12:25 AM   #1
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Posts: 61
14 bolt full floater rear disc conversion kit recommendations?

I have a 72 Chevy C20. It was converted to 4wd at which time the rear axle was replaced with a 14 bolt full floater 1 ton unit. The truck sat for about 10 years, so the brakes need to be redone. I discovered after ordering brake parts that 'things had changed' along the years with this truck. I changed the master cylinder and after a few days of just sitting in the garage, the rear brakes started leaking from the wheel cylinders.

I got around to removing the rear axles today so that I could pull the drums. This is the first time I've ever seen a full floater axle, and man is it' beefy. The axles are huge. After a bit of messing around with the star adjuster, I finally got the drums off. Let me just say that those drums are HEAVY and HUGE. Man. After seeing that the drums were pretty well worn and the brakes needed a complete and total overhaul I've decided just to upgrade them to discs.

I know there are several vendors out there who offer rear disc kits, mainly utilizing mid 70's truck parts and maybe the Eldorado calipers. I need an E-brake because my truck is a SM465.

If anyone has any recommendations, I'm all ears. This truck has become quite a project. It's like they did 80% of the 4wd swap and upgrades, but skipped certain things. I also need to address the upper shock mounts since they are a hack job. Good thing I own a nice Miller welder cause I'm gonna need it with this truck.
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