I use DuraShine. No silicone. Goes on as easy as applying Armourall; excess is rinsed off with gentle stream; water sheets off, never beads up to dry in a ring; no wax powder to somehow get out of every crack and crevice. Harmless to all parts of the exterior: paint (duh!), plastic, glass, rubber. On clean, wax-free paint with no oxidation, Durashine shines with a wet luster, though not like an ad might show.
Protects extremely well against UV rays. Best I've ever found for UV protection. The matching Durawash soap has no silicone, either, and has a little Durashine in it so that regular washing touches up the protection. Works fantastic on frames and axles since it can simply be rinsed off. Who wants to buff a frame/axle?
Drawback: Does not have the impact protection that a thick coat of wax can give, however little. Nice trade-off to get Durashine's UV protection and water sheeting qualities. I've found it in K-Mart (yes, that's a drawback
