Thread: 6 lug wheels
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Old 06-21-2005, 06:14 PM   #14
'68 C-20 396 CST CC
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TruckinDaddy: Sorry to jump in your thread, but if you pass on these I may be interested.

Originally Posted by stelth2002
I have a set of 5 raleys in great shape. I can ship from a major hub to help save on shipping. Let me know if that will work for you.

asking 150 for all, which would give you a spare also.
stelth2002: What size are these rallys? Do they have rings and caps? Am I right in assuming these are the 70's style 6 lugs with the little rectangle slots all the way around?
Also, where in Idaho are you?

TruckinDaddy: Sorry to jump in your thread, but if you pass on these I may be interested.
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