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Old 06-22-2005, 02:42 AM   #1
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Question EFI Fuel Tank / EFI Wiring (TBI) Qst

Guys and Gals,

I am currently working on a 72 4X4 Blazer and am installing a complete motor, trans, transfer case (NP241) from a '91 Blazer that I am parting out. I have everything ready to install but have questions concerning the install of a electronic fuel pump for the TBI. Other than using the stock tank with an in-line aftermarket pump, can I use the '91 tank complete??? It appears that it is to long (front to rear). How have others done this??? Problems?

Also concerning wiring.... I still have the '91 and all the wiring. I pulled the engine harness (Computer to fuse-box) and am working on the removal of the under-dash harness. This is where it gets complicated.... Has anybody done this as well or should I cough up the $289 for a Painless harness?????? What speedos work with the electronic outout on the 241???

Thanks for the help in advance.... My goal is to install next week and have running by August....
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