If it is like mine there are two bolts the tank hangs from. You should see the heads in the wood part. Mine have oval shaped washers. They were a bear to remove because of years of debris accumulation in the holes for the bolts. On the bottom you should see two funny looking nuts with two holes in them. I sharpened a flat screw driver and used it and a hammer to turn them. You may want to jack the tank up slightly. When I was able the break them I used a ratched without a socket to turn them. Save the bolts, they cant be replaced. Make sure to drain all of the gas out, and disconnect the sending unit wires and fuel lines first.
Posted via Stationary Device
'71 Custom Deluxe C-20 402.
'67 Buick Special 455.
'49 Plymouth Special Deluxe.
"I love that old car smell"
Some people are like Slinkies... not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.