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Old 06-26-2005, 11:43 AM   #17
chief bobber
Sanity is a state of mind
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: New Humpshire
Posts: 93
so about a zillion years ago I was buying truck down south and running them north for resale and I pick up a 72 LWB 1/2 fleet. Nice truck very solid. After I hitch my 67 Volvo panel to the rear, I head north and start smelling gas fumes, so I pull off and park the truck at a gas station and investigate the situation.
No big deal just some rotted fuel line. Off comes the panel and to the parts store I go. Upon arriveing back I don't see the truck, so I figure someone stole it. I call the local cops and they arrive at "The scene" as they are taking the info, this old guy comes up askin if I'm lookin for a old orange chevy truck. The cops and I take immediate interest. With that, he points across the road at some broken wooden guard rails and my heart sinks. We mossey ovey and there the truck is about twenty feet off the road sitting with mud half way up the doors. It would seem in my hurry I forgot to put it in gear or set the brake and the truck decided it liked the south so it took off on it's own. No major damage except my pride

100 bucks for the guard rails, breakfast for the cops and the old guy, $100 for the wrecker, and more "stupid yankee" comments than any man needs.
67 K-10 8ft step 250/465/timken 4 shaft/373 to 1
70 C-10 Panel Vortec V/5spd BW od /307 to 1
70 C-30 9ft stepside dump 350/465/ posi
and a few too many other trucks, cars, jeeps, cruisiers, and M/Cs

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