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Old 06-26-2005, 05:11 PM   #19
newly minted old timer
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Join Date: Dec 1999
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i was trouble shooting why my truck didnt run one time. i wasnt getting gas to the carb, so i pulled the gas line off and had someone turn it over. no gas. so i ended up changing a tank selector valve.

i just installed the valve, washed my hands because i knew i had fixed it. jumped in the truck and turned it over. after about 2 seconds i remembered the dam fule line was still disconected....about that time.. poooof! fire ball shot right up the window. i grabed the fire exst. and put it out...

dammage? a few wires, and a melted throtle cable.. doh! what a dumb ass
72 c20 longhorn 65k org miles and counting!
69 k10 Suburban
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