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Old 07-10-2005, 05:36 PM   #8
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A 195* thermostat should keep you warm. If it is factory setup the return might be going into the radiator which will increase the engine warmup time but should give good heat once it is up to temp. A peice of cardboard over half of the rad when it is really cold would help. I am sure our other northern friends will help. The alaska crowd or BC, alberta, manitoba,saskatch, maine. They all get that cold.
Your biggest problem will be getting it started in that temp if you don't have a block heater.
72 longhorn c30 502BB/th400/fact air/4.11rear/ custom camper
72 bug(the better half's) under reconstruction
2009 HHR aqua blue
71 GMC k20 350/sm465
2009 Chevy hd3500 6.6 Victory Red crew cab dually
Dave & Jeanne
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