Originally Posted by 67c10step
So you just bolted your new bushings in and didn't have them 'pressed' in at all?
no pressing at all, i was able to put them in with my bare hand. the trick is to take out the inner metal part, that way the poly bushing is flexible, then you can easily get it in. once it's in, slide the metal sleeve in (make sure you grease the inside bushing 1st). if you can't get the sleeve in all the way, use the bolt/nut to tighten it in with a clamping nature.
to the above poster, that's how i got my old rubber ones out with a propane torch. burned the rubber and it came right out, but almost started a grassfire on the 1st one because it flew into the yard i hit it so hard from the side. i didn't need to do the freeze part, and yes the grease is necessary inside and out (anywhere bushing meets metal).
this is how i lowered the trailing arm. stick anything strong, skinny, and long (insert joke here) between the 2 mounts on the frame, put a jack on the trailing arm and lift the jack to the "pipe" in this case. jacking onto that pipe will drop the trailing arm down.
pics always help
this thread should be moved to faqs, because i think it's extremely helpful.