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Old 07-10-2005, 11:35 PM   #1
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What did you get done?

Well its that time. Lets hear what you got done.
I myself, spent the morning and afternoon tamming the wild weeds of North Texas. The Barn was hopping. Had a new board member up from Houston,
(plugger7) find a great deal on a swb frame. This guy was relentless, and when the dust setteled, he had a swb frame on his trailor headed for some fun sandblasting and painting. Tx Firefighter came to get a steal on some 6-lug slots. With his safty instruction and expert tool handling the slots were no match and found themselves loaded in the back of his truck.
It's always great to see baord members and share parts and stories.
Thanks, Plugger7 (AKA Glenn )and TxFirefighter (AKA Kevin).
69 swb stepside, rebuild and upgrade in progress

Last edited by matt67350; 01-24-2009 at 09:24 PM.
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