Good board gathering!
Saturday Chickenwing and I went Junk Yarding and I got a Coca Cola for $1. Four yards and zero stuff for me. I did have a great time with Chickenwing. We ate hamburgers and fries at Jaspers in Rocklin and guacamole and chips at his home. I will return for a 1 1/4" sway bar and alternator bracket next Saturday.
Sunday went to Stockton to a swap meet car show at the Fairgrounds. Drank Starbucks and chatted with friend Al while we drove there. Met friend Jeff as he was trying to sell his 52 Chevy 5-window. Found two fans, one flywheel cover, two cleaning brushes, and found a pair of Tahoe leather seats with 3-point harness for $50 and bought them for $40.
Sunday evening recieved a call from person I previously contacted that was selling a rolling 67 C10 frame (no steering column), bed, tailgate, cab (cab corner metal included), front clip, and a good power steering box. Priced right and I bought it without seeing it. Some parts will be for sale. Some days the tail does not wag you.
Now my 70 will turn into a 67 and it will not make Hot August Nights this year.
Next week: Junk Yarding and 67 recovery on Saturday and car show and swap meet on Sunday.
Got bored, sold everthing. Got bored, looking for a 1960-66 C-10. Want to build my last truck.
Last edited by tomatocity; 07-11-2005 at 12:36 AM.
Reason: picture