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Old 07-11-2005, 12:53 AM   #4
Lovin' Life in Miss.!
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Puckett, Mississippi
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Sat. went recreational junk-yarding with Tomatocity, aka Tim. Had a great time. I'm a little farther along with my truck than Tim so it was great to be with someone that still has lots of enthusiasm. Yards were pretty barren. Still found a few things. Scored what I hope is a factory tool bag for my jack handle and lug wrench. Also picked up a hood latch so I can do Putters in cab hood release mod.

Sun. Pretty much kicked it.. Enlarged a bolt hole in my neighbors 12si alt. He runs early Broncos, still a nice guy though. He invited me over for beer and bar-b-q and who was I to say no?! Came home and watched movies with the girls and later had to go outside and let a sniffer know I was watching him while he was talking to my oldest.
The truck... you hear that? No really, you did hear that?!!!
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