That's more than I paid for my truck! Of course, was out cruising yards a couple of months ago, looking for 98 or 99 Ram seats. Didn't find any, so thought to myself, how much could a seat cost new from my friendly local Dodge dealer? Stopped in, parts guy looked at me like I was nuts, said that you couldn't order a complete seat anymore due to warranty replacement b.s. he could only order the pieces and he figured it out by remembering off the top of his head what the major pieces were to build one and looking it up on the terminal. I don't think he remembered most of the little things, but from what he did remember it was $3700. Needless to say, I'm still looking through yards for one.
I say it's only money, my wife says it's only a truck....
'71 C10 Deluxe, factory ac, ps, pb, should be done by 2102
Longmont, CO