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Old 07-13-2005, 09:34 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Maine
Posts: 427
Talking Any difference between 1/2 and 3/4 ton frames?

Are there any differences between the 1/2 and 3/4 frames, like strength wise, and will 3/4 ton axles bolt up to a half ton frame? If I can put 3/4 axles under it, will i be as strong as a 3/4 ton? The reason I'm asking is because..........................................................................................

I MAY HAVE GOTTEN LEEDS ON A COMPLETE 69-70 1/2 TON 4x4 TRUCK WITH A GOOD FRAME AND CAB FOR FREE!!!!!! The guy used it to plow his driveway and he gave it away to another guy. BUT, the guy he gave it to shot himself, so now this little old lady has it on her property, and she might give it back away since it was given to her, and to get it out of her sight. It has a 292 in it with a four speed, complete 7' plow and plow rigging (the guy said i could have the plow, because it is at his house).
But i was just curious if the frames were different because i wanted to put 3/4 axles under it if the truck was any good. Or it may just be a freebee parts machine. who knows. but a free chevy pick-up sounds good to me, running or not!
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