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Old 07-13-2005, 05:43 PM   #11
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Smithville TN, USA
Posts: 54
I can't tell you how to mount up a camaro front suspension, but I can explain how to get everything that you want, probably a lot cheaper than you can graft a whole new front suspension to your truck. If you are interested in an alternative, there are a LOT of people (including myself) who are doing a whole front "cradle" swap from a 1970 to a 1986 chevy truck (I used a 76 model). Any of the models in that range can be used with few or no modifications to the stock frame. These trucks are also readily available junkyards are absolutely full of them. I would venture to say that they are just as plentiful as the camaro/impala front suspensions even in your area. I bought an entire suspension off of a rusted out truck for 75 bucks. With that, I got brake booster, brake lines, spindles, power steering, etc. I rebuilt all of the linkages and bushings for another hundred bucks and I have everything that you need including power steering. The power steering will need an adapter plate, I made mine, but you can buy a kit for around 50 bucks. Very cheap all in all. If you are interested in the how's, there are many old links on this site you can find, or I will post the procedure on here again if you need.

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