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Old 07-13-2005, 09:52 PM   #50
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Originally Posted by Paul72
I just got thru some 'tight' times and now have a new job. Things are looking up for me and the family again.

Jodie, I understand the resistance to the help. When I got laid-off a month before Christmas, a bunch of my college buddies all pitched in together to help me out. It turned out to be more than $600!! I would not have accepted it, but it was done without my knowing and my brother says 'Here, this is for you' and hands me an envelope. About 6 months later, another buddy got laid off, and I was the first in line to help him out.

What we, the board members, want to do here is not charity - it's helping a friend in need. If it makes you feel better, once you're on your feet again (and you will be) you can sell the car and donate the $$ back to the board.

Please consider this. It would make us all feel better to help you out and see you keep the Burb.


Paul....VERY well spoken.
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