By adding the washers as spacers you could very well have over engineered it and by using grade 8 bolts you are lucky you did not end up with any damage to your heads as they could have ended up being the weak link. Some times when you start aligning all these belts up perfect while the motor is not being run you can forget about how the centrifical forces can alter alignments. The origional GM engineers were 10 X smarter than I and if they designed a bracket I'll bet it has all the proper alignments for the application. So unless you have peice mealed your bracket set up together or one of your brackets are bent you really should not need any spacers. Something alot of people forget about also is that the different grade bolts all have their proper place. It is not always better to have a higher grade bolt. Sometimes a lower grade bolt is used as a weak link protector to avoid more costly damages. While other times the lower grade bolt is used to allow flex however minor it may be.