Yall are so kind to me. As far as what I need, I have basically nothing. I have a pair of pliers, channel locks, one each screw driver, and a small set of Walmart or something "will-work-in-a-pinch" sockets. I think thats the majority of it, Oh and I have a 4-1/2 in, angle grinder. As far as my address, I guess i could just PM it to thoes who ask, Im not sure if I want cash sent to me. Id rather things like that go "thru" someone else, I dont want people to wonder "what she done with it". I really dont know what to say. Im so happy at the thought that I dont have to part with my precious burb. Id be more than happy to welcome some one to stop by and see what I "need" and to see the rust on my truck. Just make sure its around supper time, lol.
Thanks again yall!!!
take care
"The unexamined life is not worth living" -Socrates
'71 GMC Suburban 4x4