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Old 07-18-2005, 09:18 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: jacksonville
Posts: 25
Unhappy found out what that noise was

i posted a few days ago that i had a clanking noise coming from my rear end,and after careful inspection fund some missing tranny/bellhousing bolts and replaced the missing hardware. well that wasent it. I drove to work this morning and herd the noise again and thaught what the hell is it now??? at work i talked dto a few friends that dident have a clue eather one stating that ill find out soon enough when it breaks and jokingly i concured and set yea then i can fix it. got cut lose around 0730 because weare leaving country soon, and sure as hell at the speed bump rite before the back gate the right rear tire shot off and down i went . i skidded off the road stopping 5 feet from the tank track breakers ( they use them t stop terrorists from charging the fence cause they will total a vehicle) and i watched my tire roll by and hit the gaurd shak. some poor bastard was in there most likely reading a 6 month old off stuff and then wam! he thaught the gaurd shack was being attacked and damnear shot me coming around the corner. the problem was the studs hey broke and will the rest is history really biffed my bed up but after all the dents i pulled i recon it really dosent matter any how ill fix it too well that was my day how was yours ill post pics soon
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