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Old 07-24-2005, 01:32 AM   #28
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Frederick, MD
Posts: 160
First of all, I did not break ANY guidelines. I quoted prices and specified preferences. My preferences were met and I made a sale. I didn’t screw up advertising. I said that I’d prefer a local sale and I made a local sale. I can’t find a single thing in the guidelines that says I have to sell to anyone.

As to this:
This pertains directly to your ad...
VIII. Please include your preferred method of shipping within the ad, and who is responsible for the shipping costs. If the item is pickup only, please make that clear within the ad.

Again, it is clear in my ad that I prefer local pickup.

Oh yeah, FYI, “GET OUT OF MY STORE”, was simply a metaphor to exemplify the fact that I have the choice to sell to those I wish. If you’re not sure what a metaphor is, please look it up.

As far as:
IV. Pure trolling, either to upset someone or simply for your personal
enjoyment, is strictly prohibited. If you're here to cause trouble, it will be a very short stay. Immediate BAN and you will be reported to your ISP.

The two of you are upsetting me and I feel it is for your “personal enjoyment”. So gentlemen, don’t forget that is “strictly prohibited”. Your rule quoting can be turned around pretty easily.

I’ve been on the board for sometime now and have purchased over $15,000 worth of parts and trucks. I’ve sold nearly as much. I’ve never had any trouble before.

Now for the clincher! What burned me most about this entire issue was that several people felt “entitled” to a sale. You actually felt that I HAD to sell to you because you put your name down first even though I said local pickup was preferred. It’s as if I’d lost my freedom to choose. Is this the case? Once something is posted on this board you loose your claim to the item? I still own them don’t I? Or have they suddenly become community property? It’s simply ludicrous that you guys feel entitled to a sale. This is America gentlemen not China.

So since I’ve clearly disputed every argument you bullies have thrown at me the only real complaint is that I didn’t act appropriately after someone complained about the way I handled it. You guys feel that I should have said sorry or at least given an explanation.

However, I don’t feel that I cast the first stone. Tell ya what, everyone who said I should have sold my parts to the first person please apologize. After that, I’ll apologize in turn.

Maybe then we can all get back in the sandbox and play nicely. Oh yeah, had to edit the post and remind everyone that the "sandbox" is a metaphor too.


Last edited by ianjenkins; 07-24-2005 at 01:34 AM.
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