I kept my same master clinder when I converted to power even though I noticed LMC lists separate power and non-power versions. I also notice two different mas cyls on boosters when I'm looking at car shows, so must be either one will work. One is big with both reservoirs the same, and one has the forward reservoir bigger than the rear-- that's the one I have always used since I put on the discs.
'69 Chev Cust/10 swb, 350/700R4, 5"/6"
'70 Chev C10 swb, 67 front, 454/700r4, 4"/5"
'73 Chev stepper, 350/3 spd
'84 Chev K20 350/4 spd
'91 GMC 1500 Suburban 4x4, 350/700R4