Yeah, know it would have to be heavy, likely a "truck freight" item. I think when I last bought new leaf springs for a Mustang project, that was what the deal was ; those arrived with scraps of adhesive parts labels on them and no other packaging, but then a business is allowed to get away with stuff like that. Hard to imagine someone doing any damage to such a thing, aside from breaking off the upper A arm mounting studs.
Will likely have to pass- don't have any travel out your way ( or even out of the Tampa, FL area) planned - know you need to get your $$ out of your stuff! Price ( because of the shipping here) would need to be, well, really attractive, and that means it's more practical all around if someone closer wants it. Even if I do, it may be more than I can have tied up in it right now!
If otherwise, please shoot me a P.M.
Best Regards