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Old 07-27-2005, 10:13 PM   #12
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Location: Mineola, Texas
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I was quoted $450 on a rebuild and figured I'd do it myself. With the help of this board it only ending up costing my $200 and I can now rebuild a diff. [/QUOTE]

I wish you were closer, you could have had the job if you were interested. When I quote something, I stick to it. I have burned myself a few times but not badly. I just think a professional should stick to their work or at least call you and say it's going to be a bit more. The sicker shock is over, the rear end is in and I'll be moving on to the next step. No biggie now!!

Glad to hear you got the fuel cell fixed up. 43 gallons, not bad but bad on the pocketbook!!
Later, FCG
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