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Old 08-15-2002, 07:59 AM   #7
Jeff M.
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The ones I'm running are off of a 68-72. I'm sure any A-body car, chevelle-lemans-cutlass-buick special-monte carlo, would work. Just look at the springs and be sure they are rolled small at the ends to allow for mounting. The suspension does hook up pretty well, no tire hop, and it rides nice. Really never haul anything much however I have hauled about 150# for 300 miles and didn't squat. Hey they are cheap if you find them in a wrecking yard and easy to change so go for it.
69 C-10 CST Short Fleet, Factory Air, BB427-400 Auto-2400 stall-tilt-cruise-Tach & Vac Gagues, 4/6 drop, power one piece side windows, Eaton posi.
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