The Jimmy is alive again! 71 GMC to 68 Chevy conversion.
Check it out, very productive weekend. I still have to put all of the trim on, but that will be a project for another day.
First picture is how it started. 1971 GMC Jimmy, PO fubarred the grill, and dented the hood, so it has a 68 Chevy front now! I swapped the hood, grill, and bumper. Fenders are the old ones.
Second picture is when the wife asked what the heck I was doing. I assured her that it hit the road again.
Third picture is how it looks today. Trim work left, but it drives.
Fourth picture is the whole stable. Only two, but I am happy with them both.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't good for anything, but you can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.