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Old 08-15-2002, 11:44 AM   #6
my new 72
faster, faster, faster
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Houston ,Texas ,USA
Posts: 1,354
He!! no I'm not done yet. The garage space is coming open soon though. I am taking my bed off tonight, and picking up the new one Sat. I put my Gauges, and the power locks in though. The Gauges are sweet. The temp stays at 210 though, I'm not real sure why though. Maybe when I put the sending unit that came with the gauge in the new engine it will read differently. I LOVE power locks though. I took out the rods that go up to the pop knobs, and cut them down and turned them upside down so the hole is open. I am going to put the alarm LED's in the holes on both doors, and I hid one central switch in the cab. When I get done there is no way anyone will be able to get into my truck unless they break a window, and then they won't be able to unlock the door to open it. I think I am going to start lowereing it on Monday. If my plate wasn't so full this weeknend I would start Sunday, but gotta go fishing with the father-in-law on Sunday. I finally feel like it is starting to come together though, I'm getting a little excited. He!! I even got it inspected and registered Tuesday. Thanks for the cam it worked great.
I'm going to Law School, wanna debate? It's good practice.
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