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Old 08-15-2002, 11:53 AM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: Modesto, CA
Posts: 565
premium gas. what a difference

ive had an accel digital fuel injection system running since june and it was hesitating bad off a stop, and when i would hammer down it would start cutting out at like 4000 rpms. someone finally asks what fuel i was running and i told em 87. guess that was my problem. im running strictly arco 91 now and that engine is running like the high performace machine it was intended to be. please forgive me for my negligence.
Current owner of 2016 2500 Silverado Midnight Edition.

Former owner of:
69 1/2 ton, change from long/fleet to short/fleet, shaved door handles, shaved tailgate, 4/6 drop, power windows, 700r4
72 blazer, 350 with Holley Commander 950 DFI, crane energizer cam, 350 tranny, dual sanderson blockhuggers/magnaflow exhaust
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