I was on call this weekend so I spent most of Saturday running around town. I did get some work done in my yrad though. We have had so much rain that everything is growing like mad. Unfortunately the weeds are still growing faster than the plants. I spent Saturday morning trimmimg shrubs and pulling weeds. Now my front yrad looks respectable again.
Sunday I got up early and started on my back yard. Due to the rain and being out of town I haven't mowed my back yard in three weeks. Yikes

It was a freakin jungle back there. I spent an hour and a half with the weed eater trying to get things under control. Then I spent another hour and a half on the mower. I mowed, and mowed, and mowed and it still needs mowed some more
I finally gave up when a buddy showed up and we fired up the grill.
What did you get done..........?