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Old 07-31-2005, 10:46 PM   #1
Having issues
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Odd electrical problem, '72 blazer ignition switch woes

The key stopped turning off the ignition a while back, so I wired up a switch to shut the truck off. Yesterday, the key would not turn any of the accessories off, so today I went and purchased a new ignition switch. I replaced the switch, and still had the same problems. Ignition would not turn off, and accessories still would not shut off. After cycling the key a couple of times, the ignition began to "try" to turn off, and soon it began to shut off accesories as well, but not every time like its supposed to. Is there some vauge anchient indian secret to apeasing the gods here?

Thanks in advance.
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The Man's Prayer: "I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess."
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