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Old 08-02-2005, 02:20 AM   #8
Having issues
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Location: Eldorado Ca, an hour east of sacramento
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Originally Posted by pjmoreland
Get your truck into the state where the key is in the "off" position, and the engine is still running, and then unplug the wiring harness from the back of the ignition switch. If the engine continues running, then maybe the problem is not in the ignition switch at all and it's somewhere else.

By any chance are you turning your key all the way to the left when turning the engine off? The "ACC" position is all the way to the left, and off is with the key straight up and down. The only reason I mention this is because several months ago there was a board member with a similar problem, and it turned out he was leaving his ignition in the "ACC" position.

With the old switch, the motor stayed on regardless of the position of the key. ACC, off, run, key out, it didint matter. Now the motor "thinks" about shutting off more when not in the run position.
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