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Old 08-02-2005, 02:56 PM   #1
Can't stop spending
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 53
Exclamation Wheel Questions - Again

I have an '87 Silverado short/wide bed and I was thinking about doing a wheel swap. I have been looking hard at a set of 18 inch Torq Thrust II's. Also, I was thinking of the Series 505 or 405, but i;m not quite sure what the difference is.


1) Is anyone running Torq Thrust II's?

2) Do 18's work without any clearance and rubbing issues?

3) If anyone does have these, what width rim(s) did you buy?

4) What tire size is best for an 18 in rim

5) Any Pics?

Any help that by pickup bretheren can offer would be much appreciated!


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