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Old 08-03-2005, 01:55 PM   #8
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Location: Where the Wild Things Are
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damn i should pick that up. I'm sure (not that anyone would think its a good idea) i could buy it, take what i want, sell some other stuff from it, and have it more then payyed off. Damn i wouldnt mind that 1/2 top - and its just down the road from me. Wish i wasnt putting that money i'd buy it with into the susp. on mine :/ Actually i'm getting my blazer lifted in santa rosa - annnnnyyy day now heh. Seems like its def worth checking out and taking a spin in it.... i wouldnt mind drivving another blazer other then my own anyways.... i bet it feels WAy different.

eh we'll see.... orig eng and tranny huh? hmmm
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