rrrrrrr that helps! i know i know! But i've been putting off susp. for months, 1/2 a year even! I need the new susp. Im movving to San Luis obispo and have to drive 4-5 hours south on 101. But you're right.... i prob wont do much wheeling on the way

But the fact is my susp. is SHOT. i know i should.... i'll tell the guy $2500 cash or something, we'll see. What am i going to do with two?!?! You're a good person to ask! ahhhhh damnet.... damnet damnet...haha, we'll see
I thought i saw it before too, so i'm guessing ebay. Why didnt it sell, how much was he asking on ebay? worst comes to worst, i'd imagine i could sell in there for more $ but... why didnt he? Crazy reserve? Thanks
edit: i guess i Could always just get new tires and new shocks, i only wanted 33"s after a 4" lift anyways, but they should fit with new shocks anyways shouldnt they.