This is my opinion...(everybody has one :-)
Be real careful with powder coating. If its done right, its great....however, some things are very well suited for it. I had some engine brackets done that the powder must have been put on too thick, (looked great) until the bolts were tightened down and the coating cracked. Some things with tight dimensions, ie, window channels, if t he coating is too thick, by the time you add the rubber and the wont fit.
Had some engine pulleys done that the powdercoating was applied to thick and filled the v-grooves (serpentine) to the point were the belts didn't fit well.
Another interesting thing....some of these items I used DAD's Paint Remover and it took the powdercoated paint off without any problems, ie, very easily. I then painted with eastwoods chassis paint...I made a couple of mistakes and tried to use the DADs paint remover again.....wholy batman, it didnt want to remove the paint...took alot of work. After seeing some of the results and keep in mind that if powdercoating paint cracks...and lets water in under the can rust quite badly before the coating actually flakes off for you to see. If it's a show truck, no problem...Daily driver, might want to reconsider powdercoating and go with something else.