powder coated items should not have the powder backed on so thick that it cracks and pops off. .3-.5 mils is what the avg. thickness should be. I have worked at a factory for a couple of years, and know that too thick is bad. Also, they make special tape and plugs that are heat resistant that you need to use in areas like the grooves of a pulley to keep the paint off.. Powder coating is some very tough stuff. It takes forever to blast it off and refinish.There is also different types of paint as well, each with its best uses. Epoxies for stuff that gets exposed to chemicals, and wont get exposed to sunlight. Polyesters for... well, i cant remember now, its been a long time.. Think stuff that gets sunlight???
Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati.
The Man's Prayer: "I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess."