Yes and no,
My 250 only gets 13mpg at the moment, my 283 probably will do the same or better since I regeared the rear end. I wont know till she is running soon. Ill take a picture of my mounts for you today. Remember that if your truck was a stock eight (check the vin for a cs=6, ce=8) youll will have to move everything to the rear for the 6 to fit, also is yours a 3 speed or auto, the 3spd crossover mount is different for each engine, auto shouldnt be hard to move, the drive shaft will need to be shortened (maybe) if its swb truck. I have converted mine from a 6 to 8 and made it look like stock, (no half assing) all the parts were changed. 6 has a different fan shroud too.
Let me know if I can be any help
Bottom line, if gas is the reason, you can get more mpg out of the eight if you change the trans or regear the rearend, youll have to give and take, the 6 will be less hp and torque, but if the drivetrain is not changed youll only gain a couple of mpg.