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Old 08-07-2005, 09:20 AM   #2
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From Nauta on the 70-81 Camaro message board:
"I have a 56 PU cab mounted on my 89 4x4 chassis. Cab wasn't so bad but the real ***** is how high the back of the frame kicks up on the 89. You might have to cut the floor out to get it to sit right in the rear. On the up side the 89 chassis sure makes that old 56 a sweet riding/handling truck. Oh yeah, I also used the 89 steering column. 56 and 64 are way different but I think you'd face some of the same problems with the frame. Good Luck, you could have a sweet ride there."
"Fabricated mounts on the 56/89 for the cab are about 4''higher than the the original 89 mounts. It looks ok and the body covers the frame rails but I'm thinking you'd have to go another 5'' to clear the kick up on the rear of the frame. I've though some about cutting the top of the frame down and maybe boxing it for strength. Another problem is the gas tank sits right at the top of the frame so it would have to be moved too. Get your tape measure and have at it. May be theres enough difference between 56 and 64 you could do it without too much hassle."
from Pat:
"the 89 burb frame is the old 73-87 chassis. the 89 frame mentioned above is the new style truck frame with a decent sized kick-up compared to the older boxy body.

best thing i can say is check wheelbases. if its the same you're good to go. if its close by an inch re-drill the perches and move the rear end fore or aft to match. if its more than an inch off the whole spring/rear assembly probably needs moved. mounting the body will be not that big an undertaking, as long as you're handy with a welder and some channel or angle to make brackets to mount the body.

Last edited by Chuck78; 08-07-2005 at 09:21 AM.
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