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Old 08-16-2002, 04:14 PM   #1
Finally a Bulldawg
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Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Athens, Georgia
Posts: 220
Manual brakes just as good?

I've got manual brakes on my truck right now (disk/drum) and one of the guys at work said that for our old trucks the ones with manual brakes stop just as well as the ones with power brakes. Has anyone driven both and knows the difference? I've only driven mine so I don't know how power brakes feels on our trucks. I'm redoing the brakes in a couple weeks, so they should be up to spec by then and I was kinda thinking of putting power brakes on there, but if there's no real difference, I'll just save my money.
Ah yes, the college life. School all morning, work all night, study when ya can. Uh...
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