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Old 08-08-2005, 08:44 PM   #1
a squarecan
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Location: Portland, Oregon
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Frame help, please

Hey guys,

I have a 64 short bed and I need a new frame some I am thinking about looking for a 73-87 chassis. I am just curious if anyone who has their body off could take a few measurements for me. If someone would be so kind to take a measurement at the front frame horns where the fenders bolt up and one where the core support bolts in. Then the only other measurement I am worried about it at the cab mounts. I could care less about the back half of the frame cause I am going cut it off and build something custom any ways. I am hoping the frame are close enough I will not have to modify too much. My thought is to cut off all the body mounts off my 64 frame and weld them back on to the newer frame. I will not know if this will work until I get some measurements, but that is my general theory.

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