no, GM renamed it because they went to that naming system for all their trannys: 4L60E = 4- 4 forward gears; L-Longitudinal (RWD); 60-rated for 360 ft/lbs of torque, stock; E-electronically controlled. 700s have the same rap that TH350s used to have (betcha didn't know that people used to swap a powerslide in because TH350s were considered weak when they first came out, did ya?) with all the aftermarket support out there for the 700s, i have seen 700s run behind 700 HP / 750 FT/LB of torque motors in 8 second cars. if you just slap a 100,xxx+ 700R4 into your vehicle and expect it to run perfect, you are nuts

, you wouldn't do that with any other tranny! another thing i said before, if you don't hook up the TV cable right, it will destroy the tranny in as few as a couple of MILES!!! bowtie overdrives ( has a TV made EZ kit to help the DIYer. so until you know all the facts don't start bashing on crap! oh and a neutral drop of death will kill any tranny, and if you are smoking the tires during a 2/3 shift, you probably have too much power for a stock 700R4. also, when you get it rebuilt and installed, if you are a DIYer (like myself) then take it to a tranny shop and have them adjust the line pressure and such (stuff you can't do in your garage without special tools), otherwise your tranny will be a dog and you could possibly burn it up. another thing, if you put a lockup removal kit in, it is not recommended for towing or long drives (road trips over a couple of hours). my suggestion if you plan to tow or roadtrip, and don't have a motor with computer that came with a 700 in the first place, there are companies out there that off tranny stand-slone computers. as far as cost, yes it will cost more to do a 700R4 right, but with gas prices the way they are, the overdrive will help it to pay for itself. i think that's all i have to say on the subject for now, if i think of anything else, i'll let you know. remember: JUST BECAUSE IT IS "NEW" DOESN'T MEAN IT IS ROCKET SCIENCE!!!!!


The dark side! 2000 XLT PSD F-250 4x4! Offroad package
1970 C10 Short-step soon to be short fleet, maybe? Corvette in truck's clothing in work! Corvette IFS, IRS, TPI and Doug Nash 4+3