Here she is. 2005 F-150 Lariat Crew Cab.
She is suppose to be a 2/4 but it more like a 2/6 cause I didn't get the right the correct part. Instead i got 2 inch drop shackles instead of the hangers.
The kit is(suppose) a DJM 2/4. I ordered from Stylin Concept. DJM sent me the lowering controlle arms(2 inch drop) and flip kit(6 inch drop). Stylin was suppose to handle sending me the hanger(rasies the truck 2 inches), instead they sent me the shackles.
I started the front then onto the flip kit. When I got to the final part I sat there for 2 hours pissed off. Lesson, if your going to order something, try to get it direct.
Going to be ordering the 22's this week.
What do you think?