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Old 08-14-2005, 07:28 PM   #3
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Someone said they were gonna do a writeup on this recently. There's a thread around here that talks about how to clear up the lenses (they cost too much to buy flat out, just use ultra fine grit sandpaper and a goob polishing compound). The needles can be popped off and repainted with Testors orange model paint (I never heard what the color bottle # was though). You can pop the two screws out of the gauge faces, wirewheel and paint flat black. Someone recently posted the exact match of the color green to repaint the inside of the gauge cluster. The face of the gauge cluster (the plastic) can be purchased for around $20 brand new from several of the vendors in the vendors list on the front page.

I wish I had pictures for you - I am going to need to hack mine in order to get it up with the new engine/tranny. I just bought a used dash cluster for $30, looks like I may not use it after all.
If I've got anything up for grabs, it'll be here: 7-hole gauge cluster for a 67-72 p/u FREE (link)

I can't check the forum daily. If I don't reply to you within 24 hours, drop me a PM! I'm (hopefully) still alive and will reply faster to a PM.
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