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Old 08-18-2005, 09:05 AM   #3
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: WATAUGA,TX
Posts: 675
Only cut 1 full coil off of your front springs and only off the bottom. Any more causes a number of problems. Anything other than full coils then the springs will not sit right in the spring pocket in your lower a-arms. Springs start to get to short and can fall out of the pocket if the truck is jacked up anywhere in the front except under the a-arm. As you cut coils off of the springs it loses its ability to support weight. If you go more than 1 coil you will have to change your mounting studs to longer ones on your upper a-arm shaft because you wont be able to get enough shims behind it to get it aligned with the stock studs.
72 2wd 307/AT/AC/TILT WHEEL
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