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Old 08-18-2005, 08:37 PM   #22
7000 #'s of american IRON
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As far as how much I got for it....they treated me VERY well. All I can tell you guys if you have LOTS of money dumped into your truck, GET A CERTIFIED APPRAISAL!! AND make SURE that your insurance company will take that as a rated value on your truck should anything happen. KEEP ALL reciepts!! Take LOTS of pictures. It really helped me out a lot on getting what I needed out of my truck. are gonna lose any labor costs and upkeep and repair work..but the big ticket items add up quickly.

When we had a totally restored 1965 mustang that was totaled by a moron on a cell phone on the wrong side of the road, State farm offered a little over book value for it. We pulled out every reciept for it, they added 1K to the offer, so we threatened suit and they gave us what the reciepts and book value TOGETHER came out to. We're still with them, very good deal makers if you poke them right. We took that money, bought a 1987 camaro, a 1988 boat, and still had money left for the bank. Thats alot of money!
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