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Old 08-19-2005, 12:42 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Red Oak, Texas
Posts: 26
Lost a a very weird way

I wish I had taken pics before I started fixing this but here goes..........

I was cruising down the road at about 40.....when all of a sudden it felt like I had a flat. I pulled out......all four tires were fully inflated...I thought maybe the drive shaft was toast I checked it......I walked around the truck again and realized that there was not a single lug nut on my front right wheel. I looked more closely and all six (I have front drums) lug bolts had been sheered off clean against the drum. I found two of the lug nuts with the bolts still in them laying close by, and the threads were not chewed up or anything. It was like all six of them had been cut with a bandsaw. I had taken the wheel off a couple of weeks ago to check all of my brakes and I am sure that I put everything back on in the correct manner. I tightened all the lug nuts by hand, but I REALLY tightened them. Could I have tightened them too tight? Could I have put the wheel back on just a tiny bit skewed or something, and when it finally settled into the right place it sheered all the bolts? I am really scratching my head about this. Anyone else ever experience this?????
69 C10 LWB 350CI "3 on the tree"
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