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Old 08-19-2005, 12:47 AM   #1
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Location: biwabik, minnesota, what is this white stuff out here
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junk yard score!!!!!!!

i went out to a junk yard out of town today just to take a look and see what they had, found a few trucks but most had been picked thru already, but as i was walkin out spotted a cab sittin on a frame, i decided to climb over a few cars and low and be hold it was a 70 gmc 1/2 ton leaf spring frame with 6 lug under it, i was think ok this frame is shot, as i looked closer , i saw that some one had already rust proofed it and was still in good shape, so i went and asked the old man how long it had been there and he pops off that it had been there at least 6 years, ok so its been out in the weather and its still looks good, cab was shot and already picked thru but the glove box was still there, i asked him how much he wanted for it and he tells me $150 for it, so now i have my startin point on my truck and the restore begins as soon as i get it back home,,,,,mark
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