700r4 pressure readings
The readings I got on my 1993 – 4L60 were P-70-165-170. R-115,260,270. N-70,160,170. OD-70,170,175. 3rd-70,170,190. 2nd-185,180,180. 1st-185,180,180. I have a list of readings from ATSG (Automatic Transmission Service Group) manual that I have found info in. File was to big to post can send you e-mail if you would like.The reading you posted seem very high, I am not a Auto trany expert but all of the info I have is those are high.
I was told by Bow Tie Overdrive that my pressures were within the range and that corresponds with the readings in the book, although there are actually high according to the 84 Camaro GM service manual I have which is for a 700r4. Both of these tranys are the same basic thing both have TV cables.
Hope this helps
72 GMC 2wd 1/2 long 350 700r4 A/C PS PB 4:10.
Are they ever really finished
Last edited by 72GMC51; 08-21-2005 at 11:02 AM.