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Old 08-21-2005, 07:33 PM   #1
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P/S Conversion Plus Engine Crossmember In A 56

Okay Folks,
I've been doing a bunch of research and still need some answers. We have a power steering box and column from a 70 C/20 to install in our 56-1/2 ton. For various reasons we have determined that we need to change the motor mounts for our 70 -350 from front to side mounts which requires installing a crossmember, probably from Chevy Duty. Here are some of my current questions:
> Will the position of the crossmember installation interfere with the positioning of the typical steering box conversions like the one from brothers?
> Is there a source for just the steering arm (that attaches to the spindle) without the rest of the kit? Spacers are a piece of cake, the little triangle bracket is simple and I've read several comments about low quality of the link and rod ends that come with these kits, so I don't want to bother paying fo these items when they are easily and probably more effectively dealt with on my own.
> I also notice that while other kits specify the need for a 4" long pitman arm, the brothers kit/instructions specifies a 6 3/4" pitman arm. I have also read someones post that a steering box from a 4WD has a more correct pitman arm and I'm wondering if this arm will fit a 2WD box. Why the difference in lengths of pitman arms for different kits and which is the better way to go?
> If we use side engine mounts and keep the original style bellhousing to frame rear mounting will there ever be a need to also install a transmission crossmember if we want to uprade to a T-5 from the heavy duty "Granny Low" 3/4 ton 70 4-speed that we have now? Would the T-5 need the extra support so that we don't "SNAP" the transmission in half or is this not an issue?
I appreciate all replies.
Thank You,
Gene & Jr
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