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Old 08-23-2005, 10:33 PM   #1
63sbssbbw's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Lloydminster AB Can.
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Unhappy Good glass-Bad glass ??

I have a couple of resto catalogues. In my search for a windshield('63 tinted greenish w/blue across top) I have noticed HUGE price differences $350.00 at Truck Shop and $1300.00 at Classic Industries mind you TS's is "tinted" and CI's is "shaded" !! My question is , What is the difference between these two products? and Is there a quality issue, as the pricing may suggest? (you know that "get what you pay for" adage) . Any input on this would be greatly appreciated PS This is the 2nd one since resto, both cracked upon installation
Thanx T
"63 sb ss bbw 350\350 12 bolt rear Pwr Fr Disc PS tilt
'61 GMC in progress
'63 GMC to use for parts
'90 Chevy Ext cab sbfs 5.7l (current d d)
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